See the Introductory Video...
The 100,000 Foot View ...
... out of male emotional Darkness...
Excerpts from The MALE Solution to the CMD*...
🔽 Below... 🔽
Direct Samples from the Nonfiction Explanatory text of
“The MALE Solution to the CMD* ...” (V1B1)
[please realize there are many links not shown here which only work in the actual PDF book]
Quote 1 Page 1
Start Reading Here! (Volume I : Understanding the Dilemma, Book 1, (V1B1) )
Hi there! And Welcome to the thinking person’s approach to Male emotional sense. We live in a world today where boys are seen to be at risk from the approach and touch of any older male, whether he be friendly looking or not. Male arousal itself has been conflated with “sex” and “adult only commitment,” with no place for helping boys integrate their loving maleness wisely so it can grow in positive Male Eros feelings and perceptions. In reaching out to relate as positive males - priests, teachers, coaches, scout leaders + other good men whose lives touch boys, have been summarily judged and punished as negative, ruining lives both young and old, raising an emotional barrier and widening the generation gap without society actually having fathomed what is internally going on. This book unearths the misunderstandings which plague us into confusion about just what male behavior is a danger to boys and why, from which is not, and why not. RET
Quote 2: Page 14
It all starts, with how boys are raised... either as the perception the mother has of her helpless baby, displaced onto growing boys, who respond in kind as if in a trance from the only person they know who is supposed to be nice to them, or from older males who affirm THAT, instead of helping the boy disentangle himself from the mothering bond view of his life as helplessness for her to direct, to one of trust and belief in his own good boy body and ability to make sense of the world around him and get things done, along with an invitation to share it with genuinely caring positive older males. A quick comparison to the societies of ancient Grecian and Roman life shows us how differently boys grow when raised by males and male definitions of male body behavior, than when females raise and define boys behavior without respect for the essential older male love boys need to grow positively as males with! For example, consider the word gymnasium; what its root word is, and why social nakedness was normal for males then, but considered forbidden and shamed out of us as “inappropriate” or “dangerous” by women now. Endnote 4
The dilemma we’re unraveling here before your very eyes not only involves the hauntingly telling question of why any adults would ever choose to hurt a youngster, (doing things against his own sense of well being), but also the sadly telling question of why Society as “model” would ever want to hurt its citizens, providing the very example of domination and punishment that Real Child Exploitation is but a single if more specific example of. In its controlling of Sexual wildness, MNN is THE WAY to advance past societal misunderstanding while regarding boys natural inclination to bodily Eros contact intimacy as affection based. To think you must punish your boy to get his obedience is to admit a lack of communication skills and the loving feelings that engender them. So, if you can’t communicate with your boy, then let older males who CAN, share their love for boys with the boys they have a complementation with, by stopping the criminalizing of those who share closeness at the boy’s own level so well that the boy understands and takes mutual responsibility together; those boys who feel blessed, not hurt or take offense from being invited to share it!
Next: a sample of the FICTION 🔽 section, below 🔽
Sample from the touch-base First Episode of
the included Storyline text of V1B1
Randy's Revealing Reactions...
"Fears Awakened:
A Boy's unworried honesty....
A Mother's worried reaction... "
Quote 3: Page 31 (V1B1)
“Randy! ... Thank God you’re finally home! ... “ a seriously distraught Mrs. Rayson, the boy’s mother, couldn’t help but blurt out; her frustration turned relief, bursting out with mixed messages even she didn’t fully comprehend.
“Where have you been young man!?” she cried. “You’re over an hour late!”
“MAH-AHM!“ complained the lanky lad, tardy as he was, still panting from having run from the bus stop two blocks away, outstretching both arms in frustration to exclaim... “SO WHAT! You know I always stay to help Mr. Goodheart after Soccer and Mensa meetings...”
“But those meetings are over by four-fifteen at the latest by PTA agreement son, and it is nearly five thirty now!” she declared, with a degree of emotion that seemed to preclude the fact that she hadn’t acted this way about such things before.
“You never cared before, Mom... You don’t even have dinner ready till Dad’s home... and he doesn’t get back from work till after six,” the offended looking boy, now a bit irritated with her rather than feeling any guilt himself, commiserated, in defense of himself with.
“What’s gotten into you, Mom?” He continued, before she could think of an answer.
“Ok, Ok,” she conceded, getting back to a more comfortable level of reality perception. “I was watching my women’s talk-show today and not only were they all talking about men like those priests and teachers betraying our trust with the youngsters... young boys just like you Randy... but the News had another case of a missing boy and I got so worried about you! You know it’s just because I love you Randy, and I want you to be safe. Please son, give me a big hug now!” The warmly caring 220 pound woman pleaded, trying to smooth over the tension she herself had just created.
“Sure Mom!” Randy replied, getting back to a more normal consciousness himself. “You know I love you too,” he offered, wholeheartedly embracing with the taller, weightier female. “But I’m 12 and a half years old now, am smarter than many people twice my age, and can outrun half the high school marathon team! I not only have already learned how to sense that kind of deception ahead of time, and can avoid getting into such traps to begin with, but can slip out of them quite easily if I ever need to!” Randy explained with complete confidence in himself, as if debating with his own Mom, proudly affirming his own mental abilities.
“Oh Randy...” she sighed, pausing to stretch her arms over his shoulders and look him in the eye. “None of that matters in today’s world, don’t you realize Anybody could try to sexually molest you? When I say you’re a good looking boy, it’s not just because you take after me! Just look at that thick blond hair and blue eyes of yours, your peach like complexion and tender heart...” she proudly affirmed, smiling. Randy took her instinctive subsequent return hug warmly, with a big smile, then broke off to go to the kitchen while his mother continued.
“Some repressed man could simply overpower you, no matter how smart or creative your bright young mind, or lively your quick young boy body, or able your spirited running style are” offered the worried mother, trying to elucidate her own fears.
“That’s not what Mr. Goodheart says...” the boy answered, returning from the kitchen refrigerator with four stalks of celery, one bite into his mouth already.
“Oh? Just what does Mr. Goodheart say? The now concerned again mother indignantly remarked,
Next: a sample of the Movie-Munication section, 🔽 below 🔽
Movie Relevance Citing and MNN review
from the book's Movie-munication reference section, starting on Page 90:
MNN Relevantly Meaningful Movies**
1. Alexander (Fortune Favors the Brave) 2004, Germany, France, UK...
... (The Ultimate Cut) Connor Paolo, 14, as Young Alexander. Director Oliver Stone, Historical Drama
Sketch: Though the whole movie is a slice of a much more elemental and violent lifestyle than now, the scene that is devoted to depicting Aristotle and his students, of which Alexander was the chief beneficiary, shows us how intelligent, relevant and emotionally healthy true pederasty is for boys and older males. We find them discussing.
Quotes: Aristotle explaining meaning to his students:
40:35 When men lay together in lust it is a surrender to the passions and does nothing for the excellence in us...but when men lay lie together and knowledge and virtue are passed between them, that is pure and excellent “...
Student asks “But, can a man love a woman equally master? “ Aristotle answers: “A woman? Of course not! A woman is a slave to her passions,” with few exceptions. [( see next movie) and NOTE: (below)]
MNN Commentary: ... AND like the proverbial Eve, the woman (genderized Female) has deceived us out of the paradise of male loving freedom we were given at birth, to make us all slaves of her paranoia and prejudice against our own GOOD Male Eros selves, with her! When boys are raised by women, boys are never allowed to learn about their true GOOD Male nature. When boys are raised by older males still in touch with their own Male sensitivity and Male Eros sensuality, they not only feel more approved of and appreciated for the individual human male they ARE, but more loving and understanding of other boys, men, society and can even see through female seductions from all ages to allow females to be left to develop themselves better, til later. See Plato’s dialogues... Symposium, Lysis, or Phaedrus, then some history of ancient Greece and 1st century Rome, to compare how the more original male relating between older and younger males, was not only the intelligently normal convention then, but has been robbed from our boyhoods since, preventing all males from treating our penises as the normal, integrated part of our everyday experience it SHOULD be, to an out of male context label of “dangerous” in today’s radical feminist defined social environment. Boys are meant to share their male selves with friends they like as the actual part of their growing 24-7 male circulatory body and expression they are made to live every day of their boyhoods in genuinely PMI mature masculinity! When developed in MNN bondings as affectionate older male loving care in boyhood, Male Eros CAN once again be understood and respected worldwide, and truly return to being our own best friend again!
Note: Any woman displacing her fear of sex onto preventing boys from getting the older male help they need to develop their own GOOD Male Eros POSITIVELY in genuine Male nature nurturing relationships, IS a slave to her own passions of need for attention and jealousy and ignorance of who males really are, misusing her “protection” as a conflated excuse to keep all males needing her and her only. A female gender harasser who has pulled all of us trusting males down with her in an abject misuse of her Mother bond’s connotative emotional communication impact to eliminate any other attraction for the older male but her, all as she lords her kind of baby love onto the boy, confusing him to think of it as “protecting,” while, in effect, doing just the opposite to a growing boy’s inalienable right to genuine self identity and basis for true self determination in social activity. In pretending she is “protecting” a boy’s “childhood” she is not only displacing the way she treats a girl onto a boy, but denying the boy the REAL BOYHOOD of Loving MALE experience he NEEDS to know who he is as a lovable and loving human male being!
Ret Page 11 Available from Amazon... DVD or Prime
P2s Introductory Video
Try reading the video and listening to the play list like this... (i'ts a bit of trouble, but worth it to get the feel of this great book PDF)
1) First, click on the "Listen to this playlist music" button above (It will take you to a You Tube playlist called "Music to consider male issues by" and you can simply click on the play arrow in it to start it... if you have You Tube Premium there will be no commercials, but if you don't have You Tube Premium, (in some countries) you'll have to click on "skip" when ads show you can. All in all, the supportive background music lasts 3 hours..
2) Second, go to the video above and press the red arrow in the middle ( to reload the GOMVP website quickly, click here: if the tab you came in on only shows the music, which will play over anything else you watch till you either turn it off or pause it). After clicking on the video it will begin to scroll very slowly, to give you enough time to think about what you are seeing and reading, You will have enough default scrolling time in this actual text presentation to try reading the words out loud yourself if you like, or maybe sub-vocalizing; either will make for a more resonating result within you... The video lasts for about 31 minutes, letting you read and digest the cover to page 8, and one book reference example with a penetrating realization for you to consider for reading sincerely!
3) Third, click on the full screen box in the lower right hand corner of the video for easier, single focus, less distraction reading, if you like. Play with or leave the controls as is to get it just the way you like. This will give you the info you need to decide if the book is for you. Of course the actual PDF is a truly unique work, has great links, and will give you AHAs you've never been able to figure out... til now!
4) If all that seems too complicated, just load a second GOMVP website (from the link in #2 above, so that you will then have 2 browser tabs with the GOMVP website on them) then go to this location in it and press the audio button there (Playlist button). Then come back to this tab, return to this location and turn on the video in You Tube by clicking the red arrow in the center of the picture of the classic book cover (above). In effect you'll still be hearing the playlist, then starting the video and listening to the playlist, to some degree, together. After the video ends, just go back to the You Tube playlist site on your browser (normally a little speaker icon or you tube red circle like icon will be on your browser tab to show where it is) and you can close the playlist or You Tube itself, or just keep listening as you please. (The playlist is worth BOTH listening to now and watching later by itself (click the "eye" in the display tab on your You Tube app (TV) to see the video of the song, or lyrics of it when available)
5) If you are as intrigued and inspired by this 100.000 foot observation level view of our MALE emotions predicament, as the author was to write it for you, go to the purchase page and order the book, or just click the "I want a copy now too!" button at bottom right of this page. Adobe reader is your best bet for playback of the PDF you are getting, and you can download it from this site where the red Adobe Logo is presented, if you don't have it. Of course you may have a fine PDF reader you are familiar with already. Either way, You will find that all the links in the PDF take you to actually deeper treatment of the issue and illustrative book references like the Iron John one shown in the above PDF intro contents video, as well as a selection of movies with more MNN relevance... or notes. Lots to explore in the book (V1B1)!
✅ 6) Here's a quick heads up to you to make sure to give an email you can work with on your device, at payment because when your purchase clears through Pay Pal or the credit card you give, it will THEN either trigger you an email message with the PDF download on it to be sent to you, or send you to the Thank You page where the Download button at top right under the vision picture will work, so it should THEN be operative to you, but which will only be good for so many hours. Of course, once you get the file, SAVE it to your computer or device (if you open in an Adobe page, look for the ellipsis (three dots) in the top menu and click "download" in it's drop down list), under its own or any name you want to think of it as, so as not to chance losing it.
7) Also once you start reading your own PDF copy, you will be linked with a whole Glossary of MNN relevant terms you need (links given throughout the text as well) and more explanatory essays and endnotes in both the Appendices and Endnotes) to understand not only where we are now as males, and how we got here, but how to understand the value of the new narrative being offered for all males better experience of life in this series of books. Thanks, of course, for reading! Thanks for contributing (automatically by buying the book) to the fund to help boys get their inalienable rights to their own boy bodies BACK... their BOY'S RIGHTS to their own MALE emotions and feelings (even in this particular organization of civilized society we are living on ground level consciousness in today,) with the critical addition of an older and wiser male's genuine bonding relationship with boys, as part of our new narrative of male approval, appreciation and affirmation of our own goodness, when we need it most... our own Male formatively programming and integrating boyhood years... too!
GOMVP welcomes your interest, comments, and writings of your own to contribute when ready. We'll be working on a blog to help you do that and comment on all our works, too.
So WELCOME, my friend... as a Friend of boys and good males everywhere, you MUST be a good male yourself! You'll love learning about the Holy Spirit in a way you've most probably never perceived "Him" before , till now.