Quality, not necessarily quantity
The Quality of our GOOD Male hearts and souls, focused on with wise older male support, can facilitate our growth back to our originally GOOD, full emotional range recognized and supported, Male Selves!
of gradually developed, fuller male emotions is dawning for males and it begins with recognizing there is a community of males we are all a part of and helping all boys know they are a part of it too and can expect to receive the humane MALE support from it we wished we would have had as boys, in the circulatorily caring nature we Males ARE... in our essential male identity...
In which Male youth of all ages will be able to get older male support to grow into their full range Quality MALE selves and begin to see our whole GOOD MALE selves as the masterpieces of God's creative genius Art we all ARE!
Towards the above goals, O M V P and its parent, Global or GOMVP (yes... GO MVPs out there!) welcomes all member's sincere written contributions as inspired from our Flagship first full length work and will offer for sale on this site your relevantly heartfelt works of any length on what it will take for us to realize our God Given potential to be, live and express the works of ART we all are... at the following schedule of reader payment to you, less 25% of the shown work type charge amount, to start funding our common cause of Saving our Male Souls, together; Leaving you a full 75% (- any sales tax (most locales do NOT charge for Digital product downloads, only physically shipped ones) and your own income taxes, which vary from place to place on royalties you receive from your work here, later). A much better deal than either a traditional publisher’s 10-40% or KDP’s 70% in which you give them a say in your content and give away your distribution rights past their sole outlet! [note, you automatically keep your right to publish elsewhere when you publish your work in PDF form here first, and become a GOMVP member when you purchase our current Flagship work... "The MALE Solution to the CMD*... , but if you then take the choice of subscribing to an immediate 15% discount on the price of any work chosen (when this options becomes available); you will then become part of an active steering group and your account debited a recurring $10 per year or $1 per month to the steering groups' activities for The Fund to help Boys get their Male RIghts BACK, and are granted membership at the THE CLUBHOUSE Blog (see membership page for details) to facilitate doing so, until you email us other intent] This setup helps grow the fund and covers the costs associated with this site so the work may go on. All while helping boys to regain their male rights to their own bodies, and the older male support they need to do so wisely and happily, and be their essential male selves... something your writing and contribution is a REAL way to at least share something of yourself to this cause, till the time you will be recognized as a FRIEND and physically reach out yourself to share your life and experiences, with boys to learn and with us as well! [see the member's section for a fuller benefits listing]
All you have to do to enter your work, is save your work in your own word processing program or app, as PDF (included in most word processing software, either under an icon at the top or under "FILE") and then pick it from the file you saved it to when clicking the UPLOAD link to be provided soon on this website, right off your own computer. So much simpler... No upfront costs to you, save for an ISBN if you want one. So much more direct... so much more under your own control to say what you really feel than other written or e-book methods, to fully express the essentially GOOD and humane male you are!
A partial sample of your work, which you can choose with separate accompanying PDF if you like, will be presented for readers to decide from, as to whether they'd like to fund you and your point of view with, by their ordering the PDF download for your entire literary work.
So... which type of writing comes most naturally to you?
Would you like to write a...
Poem / Thought or vision expressed, artistically... (Single page or more) $1 per page
Opinion Development
(statement of your view on any related issue, with supporting reasoning logic) .75 per page, $2.25 for three pages
Essay / Experience / Observation: (6-10 pages, roughly) $4.50 : 15-25pages $5.50-$7.50 total
Feature length Article: (Philosophical, Fiction or Nonfiction Good Sense developing (generally 25-50 pages) $9.50
Graphic Novel of any length (95c per page, 10 page example, $9.50)
Videos / Talks (Explaining a cogent male issue and your opinion / solution $8 / $5 (normally 5-10 minute long run time)
Full Length Book (50-100+ pages) $10. - $25, depending on inclusions.
Open Letters ADOBE READER LINK When you've tried to connect with someone but can't get through (for best PDF Reading experience)
And invite the whole world to try reaching them, with you
Freely written and freely shared....